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篇名 好康在哪裡?探討社群媒體參與、知覺價值對購買意願之影響-以PlayStation遊戲為例
卷期 27
並列篇名 Where to Get Freebies?the Influence of Social Media Participation and Perceived Value on the Consumers’ Purchasing Intention: A Case Study of PlayStation’s Game
作者 張瑞晃戚靜雯藍介彣
頁次 049-072
關鍵字 社群媒體參與購買意願知覺價值Social Media ParticipationPurchasing IntentionPerceived Value
出刊日期 202203




In recent years, due to the convenience, rapidity, and diffusion of social media in disseminating information, social media has become one of the prevalent marketing tools. The goal of this research is to investigate consumers’ purchase intention and take PlayStation games as an example to construct a structural model. We adopt statistical estimation and various hypothesis verification, in order to explore the influence of consumers’ social media participation and perception of value on their purchase intention. The empirical estimation and verification results show (1) Consumers’ social media participation has a significantly positive impact on their purchase intention. (2) Consumers’ perceived value has a partial mediation effect on the impact of their social media participation on purchase intention. According to the results of this research, it is suggested that the video game companies can formulate comprehensive marketing plans, promote them through social media platforms term by term, and focus on the management of the perceived value of products or services in terms of social and knowledge at the same time. And then the approaches will continue to help the companies in driving the sales of new products or services.
