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篇名 論夜間工作者之母性健康保護,日班與夜班女性勞工健檢資料分析研究
卷期 29:3
並列篇名 The Health Effects of Exposure to Night Shift Work on the Female Workers
作者 李彥璋林歆宜徐惠芳林士傑
頁次 193-204
關鍵字 夜間工作長期夜間工作夜班輪班母性健康保護母性保護night shiftshift workcircadian systemhealth effectsmaternity healthfemale workersTSCI
出刊日期 202207




結果:依勞動部指定長期夜間工作之勞工為雇主應施行特定項目健康檢查之特定對象定義,可將該廠女性勞工分為夜間工作1741人(43.9%),日間工作2227人(56.1%),共3968人。其中夜間工作者年齡較輕(-4.7歲)且工作年資較短(-3.7年)、BMI略高(+0.4 kg/m2)、收縮壓與舒張壓略高(+1.7 & +0.6 mmHg)、腰圍較寬(+1.1cm)、三酸甘油脂較高(+8.6 mg/dL)、GOT與GPT略高(+0.9 & +1.0 U/L)、LDLC略低(-3.2 mg/dL),這些差異皆有達到統計上顯著。育齡期女性,依我國主計處定義,為15歲至49歲(即滿15歲至未滿50歲)女性;本研究中超過50歲以上之夜間女性勞工僅佔所有夜間工作者1.1%,50歲以上日間女性勞工僅佔所有日間工作者3.5%,顯示多數工作者為育齡期女性勞工,故亦可將本研究視為育齡期日夜間工作者健康檢查結果差異比較資料。



Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to make an analysis from the annual health check data (March, 2020) of the female employees less than 50-year-old, to evaluate the associations between night shift work and health effects.

Methods: The research will analyze the results of the health checkup for female colleagues in a factory in 2020, and divide the data into two groups of night-shift workers and non-shift workers. The age stratification is based on the age of under 30, 30-39, 40-49 and over 50.

Results: A total of 3968 female employees were recruited in the study, divided into 1,741 (43.9%) night-shift employees, and 2,227 (56.1%) non-shift employees. Among them, night workers are younger (-4.7 years old) and have shorter working years (-3.7 years), BMI is slightly higher (+0.4 kg/m2), systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure are slightly higher (+1.7 & +0.6 mmHg), waist circumference is wider (+1.1cm), triglyceride is higher (+8.6 mg/dL), GOT and GPT are slightly higher (+0.9 & +1.0 U/L), LDLC is slightly lower (-3.2 mg/dL), all of these differences are all statistically significant.

Conclusion: The results of the study showed that female night-shift workers were more likely to have a tendency to overweight (higher BMI), abnormal waist circumference, and abnormal triglycerides, but there was no significant difference in the proportion of female workers who developed metabolic syndrome during the night-shift or non-shift workers. After age stratification, these differences are mainly manifested between 30 and 49 years old, including BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and any high blood pressure, triglycerides and HDLC abnormalities. Enhanced female labor protection on metabolic disorder might be necessary for night-shift workers.
