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篇名 癌末病患的依附關係探討
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 The Research of Cancer Patients’ Attachment with Their Intimate Families
作者 黃文聰葉郁菁
頁次 141-169
關鍵字 末期癌症依附關係生命教育terminal cancerattachmentlife education
出刊日期 202212
DOI 10.53106/207466012022121402005




The aim of this research is to explore the cancer patient’s attachment relationships with their children and their parents. This study also discusses cancer patients’ anxiety and insecurity deriving from incapable of looking after their young children and old parents. Nine patients with terminal cancer were interviewed. The important conclusions were as followings: The cancer patient wanted to grab attentions from their parents, they desired physical contacts and relied on their parents. The cancer patients provided anything they could for children and they wanted to make their children “grown-up” and independent. The cancer patients also presented the “perceptual” part – the intimate relationships with children. It presented their intentions to fulfill their duties as children and parents. It is important to explore the attachment of cancer patients with their parents and children. Their intimate needs included not only the self-awareness but also the practice of “love” and “be-loved.” Assisting cancer patients to reflect their life experiences and to discern their relationships with intimate families would raise up their individual dignity and attitudes of keeping positive life value, and fulfill their ultimate belief to life.
