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篇名 中小學女學生在科學方面的自我意象及其發展歷程之探究
卷期 17
並列篇名 Research on the Female Students’ Self-image of Science and Its Development in Primary and Secondary Schools
作者 陳國泰
頁次 039-070
關鍵字 中小學女學生科學自我意象發展歷程female studentsself-image of sciencedevelopmentprimary and secondary schools
出刊日期 202012




The purpose of this study is to explore the scientific self-image of female students in primary and secondary schools, the development process of this self-image, and the related factors that affect this development process through literature analysis. From the literature review, it is known that the so-called "students' self-image in science" refers to the mental image of what students think they are in science and what kind of ability they have. Elementary and secondary school girls' self-image in science is negative, ambiguous, or don't think of themselves as scientists and scientific inquirers. The development of this kind of self-image of female students in science in primary and secondary schools is gradually formed from family life, and through the interaction with school teachers and classmates, as well as under the influence of social culture and mass media, further reinforces its negative scientific self-image. Therefore, social culture, family education, school education, the nature of science itself, and even the mass media are all relevant factors that affect the development of the self-image of primary and secondary school girls in science.
