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篇名 國小校園常見之傳染疾病護理
卷期 17
並列篇名 Infectious diseases care in elementary school campuses
作者 曾佳珍
頁次 071-086
關鍵字 國小學校衛生護理傳染疾病school health nursinginfectious diseases
出刊日期 202012




The school is a densely populated learning field, the most important and effective learning field for school children, and the main place of activity for all school children every day. The campus is the main place for epidemics to gather and spread. In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of disease incidents, effective control is necessary. This article aims to discuss the care of infectious diseases in elementary schools, share the concepts of infectious diseases, the general situation of infectious diseases in schools, and the prevention and care principles of common infectious diseases in schools such as varicella, influenza and enteroviruses infection. To enhance the understanding of school faculty, staff and students on campus infectious diseases and treatment principles. Work together and cooperate with campus epidemic prevention. To effectively control the spread of infectious diseases. In order to ensure the health of teachers and students and the rights of students to receive education.
