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篇名 能動性、能力統整與課程轉化-社會領域探究本位學習方法之研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Agency, Competencies Integration, and Curriculum Transformation – Research on Inquiry-Based Learning Methods in Social Studies
作者 王俊斌
頁次 001-047
關鍵字 社會領域能力統整探究本位問題解決課程發展social studiescompetencies integrationinquiry-basedproblem-solvingcurriculum development
出刊日期 202211
DOI 10.53106/207802222022110026001




Faced with the problem of curriculum development in the teaching field of “social inquiry and practice” in elementary social studies education, the various texts offered by different publishers conform to the inquiry-based learning spirit of “choosing topics, collecting data, analyzing, researching and presenting practical projects”. However, regardless of which publisher’s version is considered, the form of inquiry-based tasks contained therein remains biased towards teacher-oriented questioning, which may not have the substantial effect of enhancing learners’ active inquiry competency. Based on the multi-dimensional agencies of individual awareness, collaboration, and collection, this paper distinguishes the inquiry-based learning methodology of “leading to an in-depth understanding of meaning” and “leading to effective problem solving”. Furthermore, it analyzes the similarities and differences between problem-based, project-based, and phenomenon-based learning. From the perspective of curriculum transformation, this paper also proposes the integration of multiple agencies development and curriculum integration to summarize pedagogical principles as follows: “the foundation of inquiry-based learning methodology”, “the form and nature of inquiry-based questions”, “the active relationship between teachers and students during inquiry”, “considering the integration of learning content and competencies performance”, “thematic design and method selection of inquiry-based learning and teaching”, and “evaluation of learning effectiveness of inquiry-based learning”. The author expects to provide some suggestions on inquiry-based learning and teaching in the social studies field.
