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篇名 符號學視角下的原住民族學校課程概念:一個案例研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Semiotic Perspective on Indigenous Schools’ Curriculum Concepts: A Case Study
作者 林斐霜
頁次 049-098
關鍵字 原住民族學校符號學視角課程概念質性研究indigenous schoolssemiotic perspectivecurriculum conceptsqualitative research
出刊日期 202211
DOI 10.53106/207802222022110026002




The purpose of this case study was to explore the curriculum concepts in Indigenous schools from a symbolic perspective. In this study, a purposive sampling method was used to select an Indigenous elementary school in central Taiwan as a sample. The data collection method was in-depth semi-structured interviews with the Principal and the Section Chief responsible for curriculum planning. The qualitative data were subject to careful thematic analysis. Through the coding process of this thematic analysis, the researcher identified codes (signs or symbols) that represent the concepts of the curriculum. Peirce’s “triangle of meaning” (Representamen, Objects, and Interpretant) was considered as the semiotic perspective by which to interpret the curriculum signs and symbols. The study found that the sacred symbols of traditional indigenous spirituality and the idea of a holistic approach to understanding the human personality of Indigenous culture provide rich raw materials for learners. Four themes emerged from the participants’ conceptions of the curriculum: (1) Inheriting the tradition of an ancestral sacred spirit and raising children to possess the Ataiya wisdom; (2) Teaching Indigenous life skills and helping children learn valuable ancestral life adaptation skills; (3) Emphasizing ethnic language instruction to preserve Indigenous culture and identity; and (4) Cultivating the holistic-personality of Ataiya to achieve a more perfect humanity.
