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篇名 高負責領導國小校長特質與實踐作為之個案研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Characteristics and Practices of Highly Responsible Leadership: A Case Study of an Elementary School Principal
作者 吳新傑
頁次 099-139
關鍵字 負責領導校長領導領導特質關係智能responsible leadershipprincipal leadershipleadership characteristicsrelational intelligence
出刊日期 202211
DOI 10.53106/207802222022110026003




The purpose of this paper is to explore the characteristics and practices of highly responsible leadership as exemplified by an elementary school principal. A case study was conducted to collect and analyze data by conducting in-depth interviews with a highly responsible leader—an elementary school principal—and the teachers working under him at a school in Hualien County. The results of the study showed the principal who embodies highly-responsible leadership is recognized as having high emotional intelligence and high communicative and persuasive ability, which are the characteristics defining the quality of “relational intelligence”. Secondly, three practices for cultivating good relationships between stakeholders are identified, namely: regarding consensus-building as the leader’s responsibility; building good relationships through bolstering the school’s overall performance and understanding and responding to the needs of stakeholders properly; and hiring team members with effective communication skills. In addition, two practices regarding discursive decision-making process emerged, namely: creating a culture of straightforward communication, and insisting on including stakeholders in decision-making process built on the principle of rational communication. Finally, two practices are identified regarding an emphasis on sustainability. The first is ensuring decision implementation is a good fit for human nature, while the second is paying attention to the long-term impacts of decisions on consensus and harmonious relations between team members. Recommendations for school leadership practice and future research are discussed accordingly.
