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篇名 幼兒園推動親子共讀實踐策略、成效與侷限
卷期 26
並列篇名 Practical Strategy, Effectiveness and Limitations of a Preschool Promoting Parent-Child Shared Reading
作者 李佳錡張凱程陳慧華
頁次 141-184
關鍵字 幼兒園侷限實踐策略親子共讀preschoollimitationspractice strategyparent-child shared reading
出刊日期 202211
DOI 10.53106/207802222022110026004




The purpose of this study was to examine the developmental process of promoting parent-child shared reading in preschools, including the impact on children, the gains for parents, the changes in the preschools themselves and the limits of such a program. The research involved a case study with data collected through interviews, field observation and analysis of relevant documents. Results showed that preschools have adopted various strategies to increase their reading resources, such as engaging children in book-loving journeys, online picture book promotion, voluntary storytelling groups, and organizing regular festive events on campus. Children’s participation in these activities was found to increase their literacy skill, vocabulary expression and visual literacy. At the same time, parents learned to use multiple methods to read together with their children, which allowed them to connect more closely with them on an emotional level. The outcome of promoting such programs in preschools has proved fruitful, in that in addition to shaping a suitable environment for reading on campus, the quality of teaching has also continued to improve due to a change in the teachers’ mindset. However, some limitations remain on promoting parent-child shared reading in preschools, including the difficulty of maintaining custodial responsibilities in resource sharing, the high turnover rate of members, the difficulty of providing/undergoing training according to a regular schedule, the need to provide advance scheduling notice to parents, and the intensive time demand placed on human resources in planning the program. Some recommendations are proposed for preschools that wish to promote parent-child shared reading on campus, as this paper is intended to promote work related to early childhood education.
