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篇名 結合資訊系統接受後採用模式、自主動機與情緒種類探討誘餌式標題之瀏覽意願
卷期 25
並列篇名 Relationship of Autonomous Motivation, Emotions, and Clickbait
作者 梁直青吳睿芸
頁次 001-045
關鍵字 誘餌式標題眼動追蹤自主動機情緒種類持續瀏覽意圖Clickbait headlineEye trackingAutonomous motivationEmotionContinuing browsing intention
出刊日期 202211




This research intended to study the effect of attractive title, by sorting out the development trend of content farm titles and classifying these click-baits. The main objective of using eye tracking technique was to explore various autonomous motivation factors and the use of facial recognition allowed detection of emotion affecting user’s continual browsing behavior and intention of following clickbait. This study used statistical analysis to explore the impact of autonomous motivation and emotion on the continuing browsing intention. Analytical result showed that the autonomous motivation influenced the continuing browsing intention, but it was not significant. The emotions, such as joy, surprise and sadness, were significantly related to the continuing browsing intention.
