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篇名 當代新儒家視域下先秦儒學人道思維的特色
卷期 25
並列篇名 The humanitarianism characteristics of Pre-Qin Confucianism from the perspective of contemporary Neo-Confucianism
作者 吳秉勳
頁次 047-063
關鍵字 新儒學先秦儒家人文主義人道精神contemporary Neo-ConfucianismHumanismHumanist ethicsConfucius
出刊日期 202211




Humanism, humanistic thinking and humanity and other thoughts originated early in the western world. They were used widely in the 19th century. Now, they become one of the mainstream ideologies. In the west, philosophers define them consciously and regard them as a “doctrine” to interpret. Compare with the west, although ancient Chinese scholars had not yet theorized and systematized this kind of thoughts consciously, many scholars, especially Confucianism, had contained the kind of thinking mode that closes to this aspect of thoughts and originates early. This paper is to describe profound humanitarian feelings in Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius. Its thinking model and practical ability are inherited and developed continuously by later Confucianism. This paper argues that the basic spirit and some ideas of the Pre Qin Confucianism have something in common with the west when the Pre Qin Confucianism shows the humanism, humanity and other thoughts. But they are obviously different in the follow-up development. On this basis, this paper further concludes that the similarities and differences between Confucian system of thought and western humanism theory in today’s cross-cultural and mixed cultural perspective.
