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篇名 漢語連動句中「拿」的強制轉換及說者和聽者間的互動研究
卷期 25
並列篇名 Research on Coercion and Speaker-hearer Interactions in the Serial Verb Constructions of Ná in Mandarin Chinese
作者 徐啟斌
頁次 065-091
關鍵字 強制轉換說者和聽者間的互動連動句副動詞口足畫家coercionspeaker-hearer interactionsserial verb constructionscoverbsmouth-and-foot artists
出刊日期 202211


語意上虛化的動詞在漢語裡的連動句中常常做為副動詞出現。然而,這些虛化的副動詞有時還是會受到它們未虛化時的實詞義意影響。“拿”做為實詞時,預設的身體執行部位是“手”。本文利用一些自然產生的、關於口足畫家的句子為例來檢視當“拿”的身體執行部位不是“手”時所產生的語意上的強制轉換以及說者和聽者間的互動。作者認為,“拿”的賓語與“拿”當實詞時的相容性、語境中提供的強制轉換以及說者和聽者間的互動(Traugott and König 1991,頁212)都會影響“拿”的意義和在句子中的行為。作者利用Culicover和Jackendoff(2005)的更簡語法模型來提出一個語用層面上的函數來分析在這些例子裡的強制轉換以及說者和聽者間的互動。作者認為,這樣的函數可以繼續發展並用來分析東南亞大陸語言區域的語言中類似副動詞的虛詞。


Semantically bleached verbs functioning as coverbs are commonly observed in serial verb constructions (SVCs) in Mandarin, and their behaviors are sometimes influenced by their full verb readings. The default executive body parts of ná are hands. In this paper, some naturally occurring sentence regarding mouth-and-foot artists are used to show the coercion and speaker-hearer interactions where the executive body parts of ná are not hands. I argue that the compatibility of the object with the verb reading, the coercion in the context, and the speaker-hearer interactions (Traugott and König 1991, p. 212) will influence the meanings and behaviors of ná. I will propose a function at the pragmatic-level using the model of Culicover and Jackendoff’s (2005) Simpler Syntax to analyze the coercion and speaker-hearer interactions in these cases. Such a function may be furtherly developed to analyze other coverbs in the Mainland Southeast Asia linguistic area.
