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篇名 臺灣道咸同時期七律音韻格律之研究-以吳子光等六人詩作為例
卷期 25
並列篇名 Phonology and Metrical Patterns of Seven-Words Poems in the Periods of Dao Guang, Xian Feng, and Tung Chih in Taiwan (1821-1874) - A Study of Tzu-Kuang Wu and Five Coeval Taiwanese Poets
作者 王雅儀
頁次 093-115
關鍵字 全臺詩七律格律用韻四聲遞用Taiwanese poetryseven-words poemmetrical patternsrhymingalternate use of four tones
出刊日期 202211




This study is quantitative research regarding the metrical patterns of Taiwanese poems in the periods of Dao Guang, Xian Feng, and Tung Chih. The research subjects are seven-words poems of six Taiwanese poets, Tzu-Kuang Wu, Wang-Yang Li, Feng-Shih Li, Hao Lin, Chao-Hsing Chen, and Ju-Lan Cheng. This study analyzes and compiles statistics of the metrical patterns and rhyming of the Taiwanese poets’ seven-words poems. Regarding the metrical patterns, this study mainly analyzes the quantity, the use of oblique and level tones of seven-words poems, and the alternate use of four tones at the end of each odd sentence. For rhyming, this study mainly analyzes the rhyming of the first sentence, the use of oblique and level tones, and the use of wide and narrow tones. Thus, it observes the Taiwanese poets’ preference for the forms of creation and recognizes their pursuit of the metrical patterns and phonology and the general characteristics of the poets at the same time. The statistical result shows that the Taiwanese poets preferred the modern style, and they mostly created seven-words poems based on level tones, the rhyming of the first sentences, and wide tones. Sometimes, they combined the Taiwanese tone with the general tones of the past. They used checked three tones at the end of odd sentences and paid attention to the alternate use of four tones.
