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篇名 於梨華《又見棕櫚,又見棕櫚》的文化震盪現象
卷期 25
並列篇名 The phenomenon of Culture Shock in Yu Lihua’s Again the Palm Trees
作者 林沛玟
頁次 117-142
關鍵字 於梨華《又見棕櫚,又見棕櫚》文化震盪華人面子觀Yu LihuaAgain The Palm TreesCulture ShockChinese Concept of Face
出刊日期 202211




This essay analyzes Yu Lihua’s long-form fiction piece, Again the Palm Trees. Through the lenses of culture shock and the Chinese concept of face, this essay discusses how Lihua portrays the rootlessness, struggle, and anxiety of Chinese students abroad experiencing a double culture shock. She describes their alienation resulting from a foreign culture’s exclusion and their resulting homesickness. Lihua portrays how these students—equipped with a new way of thinking influenced by American individualism —criticized Taiwan as it changed due to the invasion of American culture. The students experience maladjustment and discontentment regarding the traditional value system when they return home. This essay focuses on how Lihua’s portrait of the characters’ complicated inner worlds reflects her deep involvement in their destinies and their emotional belonging. Her writing also includes an in-depth observation of Taiwanese society under the influence of foreign cultures. Even as times have changed, Lihua inspires us to be more introspective when accepting foreign cultures. She teaches us to get to know a new culture from a neutral angle instead of accepting it uncritically or becoming obsessed with it. Her work also suggests that we should avoid unhealthy psychological outcomes resulting from idolization of a foreign culture.
