
臺灣師大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 吐蕃大論那曩尚結贊拉囊研究
卷期 68
並列篇名 A Study on Prime Minister Zhang Rgyal Tshan of the Tibetan Empire
作者 林冠群
頁次 057-104
關鍵字 吐蕃大論尚結贊清水會盟平涼劫盟奉天盟約blon chensNa nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snangTreaty of QingshuiFalse Treaty of PingliangTHCI
出刊日期 202212
DOI 10.6243/BHR.202212_(68).0002


本文研究的對象,為吐蕃贊普墀松德贊所任命的第五位大論那曩尚結贊拉囊(sNa nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang)。尚結贊接續恩蘭達札路恭於780年至796年擔任大論,任期長達16年,於任上去世。其親身主導了唐蕃清水會盟(783)、唐蕃首次聯軍以收復長安(784)、吐蕃平涼劫盟(787)、唐蕃首次斷交(787-803)以及吐蕃內部傾軋鬥爭等。尚結贊可謂為吐蕃賢君墀松德贊晚年最得力且最出色的大論。對於吐蕃如此一位足智多謀的大論,其作為影響吐蕃內部以及唐蕃關係的發展極為深遠。職是之故,宜對其做深入且全面的專題研究,以之作為吐蕃傑出人物立傳的根據,是為建立一系列吐蕃人物志的重要課題。


This paper examines the administration of sNa nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang, the fifth blon chen appointed by Khri srong lde btsan. sNa nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang remained blon chen for a total of 16 years, from 780 until 796, when he was replaced by Ngan lam stag sgra klu khong. Several important historical events took place under his watch, including the Sino-Tibetan Peace Treaty of 783, also known as the Treaty of Qingshui; the first Sino-Tibetan alliance of 784, which resulted in the recovery of Chang An; the False Treaty of Pingliang in 787, in which Tibetans captured and held captive representatives of the Tang; the first severing of relations between Tibet and the Tang dynasty (787-803); and a period of inner turmoil and unrest within Tibet itself. When the far-reaching scope of these events is considered, it is fair to conclude that sNa nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang was the most extraordinary blon chen during the later portion of emperor Khri srong lde btsan’s long reign. He was a resourceful and extraordinary minister, who helped to deepen Sino-Tibetan relations significantly. An in-depth look on his life and career is needed; to that end, this paper seeks to make an original contribution. The paper also sees itself as one of a series of biographical studies on significant figures in Tibetan history.
