
臺灣傳播學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 色彩喧囂的年代:1970年代初期的彩色電視發展狀況之回顧
卷期 42
並列篇名 Noisy Color Signals:A Historical Research on the Advent of Color Television in Early 1970s Taiwan
作者 柯裕棻
頁次 137-182
關鍵字 通俗文化彩色電視媒介競爭電視史語言政策popular culturecolor televisionmedia competitionhistory of televisionlanguage policyTSSCI
出刊日期 202212
DOI 10.53106/172635812022120042004


本文重探1970 年前後我國彩色電視發展的過程。主要討論彩色電視引入之際,在經濟、社會與政治權力組合中,經過一連串的文化和技術轉譯,在不同媒介和組織之間如何相互影響。它引發的狂熱情感經驗也使得政治權力開始緊張,繼而影響權力集團的運作。其間,臺語節目幾度成為文化位階和市場競爭的關鍵。本文梳理當時對於電視臺競爭的看法、彩色電視機的普及狀況,以及由電視節目引發的熱情和恐慌,並總和討論文化形式、技術與權力之間的關係。


This paper presents an analysis of the domestication of color television in early 1970s Taiwan. As an imported technology, color television was introduced through various political initiatives and cultural translations and was therefore entangled with economic and political power. The sudden shift in the Kuomintang’s language and media policies when the party was confronted with and overwhelmed by new modes of popular culture reflected in the new medium of color television is explored herein.
