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篇名 具備微服務(Microservices)特色的網站與APP快速開發研究以青年體驗式農場創業經營為例
卷期 63
並列篇名 A Pilot Research for Micro-services Website Design and APP Rapid Development – An Example of Young Farmer Start-Up Plan
作者 張登聰黃家平章瑜真林采年李采芸李晏萌
頁次 053-075
關鍵字 微服務 IOT服務導向架構(Service-oriented Architecture,SOA)RWD 網站APP產品生產歷程Micro-servicesIOTService-oriented ArchitectureRWDAPPProduction Traceability
出刊日期 202101


從文獻來看,台灣的青農族群,在選擇進入此一產業時,會立即面臨人力、技術、行銷的多重挑戰;加上現代工商社會分工細緻,年輕人想要專一從事農業的初期投入成本太高,根本沒有資金與時間花在科技研發事務上,縱使政府部門提出許多周延科技計畫來幫助青農創業,但是,先進技術的導入與物聯網應用平台(許多環境傳感器:光線、熱量、溫度、濕度、壓力、磁力、電場、機械、化學等)困惑了許多老農、小農、區域果園,這是實務上既有學術研究與應用科技農業沒辦法快速向前邁進原因之一。本研究的目的即在於:將最新資訊科技元素導入傳統果園生產、行銷流程與維護管理中,打破老農施作缺乏科技動能的現象;另外,藉由青年人慣常使用的網站與APP應用,使青農創業變的簡易而不複雜。根據前述問題,本研究所設計的資訊系統,採用微服務(Microservices)系統架構,資訊功能特色是以單一、小型功能區塊(Small Building Blocks)的模組化方式組合出大型應用系統,而各功能區塊使用API進行資料傳遞,這可以縮短系統開發時間,並依據個別需求快速編輯各類報表與應用表單設計,卻無前述各類傳感器整合通訊協議的複雜度。在應用實例中,以立意採樣原則與五股一家傳統果園進行相關青農市場研究並驗證前述資訊理論與技術工具可行性。本研究實際以青年創業進入農場經營為資訊系統實作主題,進行微服務Web與APP同步開發,設計出簡單的管理層與使用者介面,並能開放農場專業知識與經營的科技服務的內容,由於使用HTTP API的模式,相關的web與APP服務可以在不同的程式語言與資料庫等元件進行JSON資料交換與更新,這也是本研究技術創新暨對產業應用之價值與貢獻。經過設計驗證,利用virtual box、restful services、HTML5、drupal、eclispe等開發工具,依照農作流程以手機相機與所開發APP將農場生產歷程進行拍照上傳伺服器,後台的雲端運算提供產品QRCode以及人工智慧影像辨識功能可以進行植物病除害預防作為,形成一個簡易卻是多種服務匯集的物聯網平台,相關農產品行銷可由系統自動產生JSON格式資料(Restful Service)與其他平台鏈結,達到產品行銷目的。目前網站與APP在技術方面已完成建置與上線測試,農場產品亦有資料上傳並驗證系統與資料庫的可行性,從微服務系統架構來看,快速開發時間、農場專業知識服務品質的呈現、低成本的HTTP API與Restful Service的架構,驗證了微服務的模式是適合此一假想的農業科技商業服務導向架構選項之一。


From the view of literature reviews, the Taiwan young farmers face big challenges from manpower, techniques, and marketing issues which cost them a lot for initial start-up plans. The Taiwan government proposes many support plans which help those people willing to adopt advanced IOT and related technologies, for example, sensors of light, pressure, temperature, mechanics, chemistry, etc. On the other hand, these plans confuse many Taiwanese farmers who are good at traditional agriculture fields. This research aims to bridge these contradictions among new technologies and young farmers’ entry alternatives. The proposed rapid web design and APP development has fastened the progress for IOT applications and fully idiot approved making start-up plan more easily. Based pervious conditions, the designed information system is based on Micro-services infrastructure from small building blocks to assembly a fully functions Web and APP system. This assures individual subsystems convey data through API without complicated database security access. The functional application forms could be crawled via Jason format data sets. The proposed I.T. project is implemented on a conventional farm at Wugu District, New Taipei City. This validates the feasibilities of the proposed web-site and APP. Meanwhile, the case study results explain a rapid macro-service I.T. system’s pros and cons for young farmers for start-up their business. From the I.T. pointy of views, web and APP are two tangible Information entities. This research adopts json format exchanges the necessary functions which proves the innovations could be the advantages compared with other approaches. Many web tools are adopted such as, virtual box, restful services, HTML5, drupal, eclipse, xcode, etc. Detailed operations are based the agriculture standard operation protocol which approved by the owner of case farm. The designed farmer using APP takes photos to upload to the website which compiled the detailed of production processes. The web platform automatically manufacturing QR-Code for each agricultural product. These photos could be recognized for prevention of plant pests. This assures the proposed web site is a simple IOT platform. The marketing functions are conducted from the web Restful Service to link with other agricultures’ platforms.。 In summary, the proposed web site and APP have been built-up already and completed on-line tests. The agriculture products and related production Traceability have been uploaded and validated well so far. The database and front-end web forms also have been proved their feasibilities. The conclusions of this study have proved a low-cost and simple function Microservices I.T. system providing young farmers to start-up their business without invest a lot of money and times at the entry stage.
