
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 防疫健康碼、通信大數據行程卡、數位科技威權主義:中國因應新冠肺炎的觀察
卷期 65:3
並列篇名 Health Code, Itinerary Card, and Digital/Technological Authoritarianism:Observations on China’s Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic
作者 古明君
頁次 109-133
關鍵字 防疫健康碼通信大數據行程卡COVID-19科技威權主義Health CodeItinerary CardCOVID-19Technological AuthoritarianismTSSCI
出刊日期 202209
DOI 10.30389/MCS.202209_65(3).0004


因應COVID-19 疫情,中國發展出「防疫健康碼」、「通信大數據行程卡」等數位科技工具,以規管與監控人群移動。本研究分析這兩種防疫科技工具的開發建置與實施情況,以探究數位科技工具的使用是否增強中國威權國家之能力。研究方法上,本研究採取文獻分析與訪談。文獻資料包括與健康碼和行程卡的開發與運用的媒體報導與評論、以及微信社群、知乎、背包客棧等論壇的貼文。並輔企業人資部門主管、陸資與臺資企業人員、大陸學生等在疫情期間有跨省移動經驗者的訪談。本研究發現:健康碼和行程卡此二移動數位科技工具的建置與實施,仍受制於地方主導的科技工具系統建置、地方與部門割據的數據資料、以及電信基礎設施。據此,本文認為中國目前仍無法以科技革新來緩和威權國家面對的官僚碎裂問題,亦無法僅依靠數據技術在全國範圍內進行追蹤與流動控制。


In China’s responses to COVID-19 pandemic, digital measures such as Health Code and Itinerary Card are developed and adopted for mobility regulation. This study analyzes the Chinese state capabilities in implementing the aforementioned measures to evaluate if the digital technologies have enhanced the authoritarian state’s power. The data include news from WeChat public accounts, and comments from Zhihu, Backbackers, and other questionand- answer websites. In addition, this study interviews peoples with crossprovince travel experiences during the pandemic, including managers of human resource department in Chinese enterprises, employees of Taiwanese and Chinese enterprises, and Chinese university students. This study finds that the existence of locally-varied and multiple health codes is a result of fragmented bureaucracy in which cross-regional and cross-departmental coordination for information integration is still a major issue. In addition, this study finds that the effectiveness of Health Code and Itinerary Card as a tracking and surveillance tool is embedded upon mobile technology infrastructure. Based on these two findings, this study notes the limitation of Health Code and Itinerary Card in their enhancement of authoritarian state’s capacities in national tracking and surveillance.
