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篇名 PBL(問題導向學習)在物聯網程式設計教學中的應用研究
卷期 67
並列篇名 A Pilot Study of PBL (Problem Based Learning) Based Teaching Practices Regarding IOT (Internet of Things) Programming Course
作者 黃家平李春欣
頁次 057-068
關鍵字 物聯網程式設計PYTHONPBLIOTProgrammingPythonPBL
出刊日期 202301


在資訊科技教學領域中,程式設計一直是一門強調理論與實務結合的學科,因此教師會要求學生打好理論知識的基礎,然後才能掌握上機實作,進而彈性應用達到獨立程式設計的能力。而在「物聯網程式設計」課程裡,傳統的先理論後實作的教學方法比較難在上課時段裡,讓學生充分理解各式感測器工作原理後,進而具備開發雲端物聯網應用程式能力。這是因為各式雲端應用服務與高階語言林立,教師面對不同程度的學生,很難具體分類、分組教學或是進行實作訓練。然而,若是採用「以問題為主軸、學生為主體、教師為輔導”的PBL(問題導向學習)教學法,卻可以以逆朔學習方式,將傳統的程式設計教學中,理論上比較抽象難懂的專有名詞,例如:物件、屬性、方法和類別等,以及如程式語言的學習基礎:變數、運算子、型態、條件、迴圈、函數和陣列字串等,先放在一旁,以實際系統與資料的交換資訊與實作成就中,讓學習者真實的認知物聯網是什麼概念,是怎樣的應用,需要哪一種工具與能力,才能成為相關的研發人員。因此,本研究採取PBL模式,打破了傳統程式設計教學模式,亦即不是按照傳統資訊教學理論的順序授課,而是以實際可開發的案例為中心,通過讓學員觀看、實作、練習、操作,進而學習反思與探究、領悟所學到的知識與技術概念,在學習過程前、中、後期,以多元評量方式,讓學生與教師在「學以致用」原則下,避免了枯燥的理論背誦磨難,進而提高學生程式設計實作的能力。以下點單說明「物聯網程式設計」PBL教學活動的設計要點。(一)呈現應用情境,學員體驗情境,確定實作問題並體驗程式設計基礎變數、運算子、型態、條件、迴圈、函數和陣列字串應用能力,培養學生程式語言的學習基礎能力。以三周時間,以政府資料開放平台所提供JSON及XML,利用Google Colab、AI2及Visual Studio程式編譯工具,完成城市、溫度、濕度資料擷取以及數據表格方式表列。(二)深度分析問題,以應用實作案例,引導學生逐步思考程式設計邏輯與流程,培養學生確定物件、屬性、方法和類別的差異。以三周時間,以政府資料開放平台所提供JSON以及教師提供網站Restful Services,以區塊語言、PYTHON模式完成(1)以AI2擷取政府空氣汙染AQI、音樂撥放器、聊天APP的製作。(2)以樹莓派製作MP3撥放器、溫濕度、光度控制器。(三)組織性分組探究學習,培養學生合作與學習能力。(1)學生每4-6個學生一組,共同組建一組樹莓派應用物件。(2)學生填寫小組活動記錄表,記錄小組活動進展並上傳學習平台。(四)協作學習並進行學習互評,使用實作錄影與上傳Youtube模式,對學習實作成果進行實際探討與策進。(1)利用網路教學臺組織協作,各組呈現學習成果,促進同儕學習機會。(2)學生選出組長並彼此對小組作業進行自評和互評,激化學習渠道。本研究呈現了基於PBL的「物聯網程式設計」的具體實施案例。經過兩個學期以及各一學期的實際教學結果看來,PBL教學的實施過程中對教師和學生都有較高的學習反饋與成長,學生對於程式設計的能力有逐步提升,學生的休習興趣以及學習投入均有提升(4.06/5),教學內容、方法、態度均達高標(4.6/5),教學評量與師生關係亦達高標(4.5/5)。


Within information technology education field, programming courses always emphasis on both theory and practice capabilities. Therefore, the first stage for this course is reciting and understanding related I.T. knowledge and terminologies. Then, to practice coding assignments will be the key to develop a mature programmer. However, traditional teaching method for IOT courses may have several problematic issues such as varietal sensors working theories and related electronic input and output limits. Moreover, different sensors imply different coding languages and grammars. The students face massive challenges to cope during this IOT coding learning processes. A novel PBL teaching method may provide a shortcut for students to learn new techniques and for teachers to implement new interactive pedagogy. A reverse based learning syllabus is adopted which putting aside variable, string, operator, conditions, loops, functions, array, etc. On the other hand, practice several environmental data exchanges in advance. This assures students grabbing the total concepts about internet of things in reality. This research adopt the previous PBL approach which demons several environmental sensors practices in the early teaching stages which allowing students captures temperature, humility, photosensitivity between cloud database and presents figures within designed APP. The characteristics of this course are illustrated as follows. 1. During the temperature, humility, photosensitivity demon sessions, students can use google colab as coding platform to captures, uploads these data into firebase in JSON format, and then download these information use AI2 to present designed figures in a brief format. 2. Another 3 weeks session, applying the previous coding patterns into open data (government) and a private web site Restful Services to capture, upload and present data which being collaborative with raspberry pi and related embed systems. 3. Group learning is necessary for this course. Every 4-6 students to work together to build up a raspberry pi application. The learning activity log is compulsory to submit to tron-class. 4. The practices of each group will be evaluated from their youtube films which are recording the detailed steps and learning experences. This research presents the actual teaching cases and learning achievements for IOT practices. There are showing positive statistics (two semesters questionnaire made by university) for teacher side and student side which indicating as follows. From a Likert scale of 4.06, showing the students’ learning interesting and engagement are high. Another 4.6 reveals the content and context of this course being suitable for students. Another 4.5 indicates the academic atmosphere for the course is great.
