
漢語基督教學術論評 A&HCIScopus

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篇名 公共空間中的行動力與基督教生命形式的自發性
卷期 33
並列篇名 Acting Ability in Public Space and the Spontaneity (Ability to Act) of the Christian Form of Life
作者 費珂爾
頁次 007-025
關鍵字 自由自發性行動的能力行動力意識形態freedomspontaneityability to actacting abilityideologyA&HCIScopus
出刊日期 202206




It has been a fundamental insight of John Dewey, that democracy “receives its relevance by balancing different life-forms and value-convictions.” For my paper I have chosen the narratives of Afro-American Michaela DePrince, a young girl who embodies the American dream as a black ballerina, and the Sino-American martial artist Bruce Lee, who described Chinese Kung Fu as a way to express yourself, as different forms of aesthetic expression and self-awareness, i.e., as different life forms in the context of diversity in our society including their spiritual dimension: Actually, for a passionate ballerina dancing is greater than love, and of course far-eastern martial arts such as Chinese Kung Fu as well as the Japanese way of fighting in Karate-Do are deeply rooted in Chan/Zen Buddhism. Finally, the Christian way of living, which is then according to Schleiermacher the most concrete spiritual life-form, gives you the greatest sponaneity, the ability to act in public space freely (Galatians 3:28) and creatively as God's true image (Genesis 1:27). That's the fundamental difference between (artificial) Acting Ability and the original Ability to Act responsibly in relation to God the Creator. Jesus's way of healing on the Sabbath in public space is a demonstration of the Christian life-form as a really living form. At the same time it says something about its contribution to democracy as an ethical life-form (Rendtorff), finally about real humanity in contrast to abstract normative ideas, all kinds of copies or mere illusions.
