
漢語基督教學術論評 A&HCIScopus

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篇名 官話和合本聖經文體風格研究:兼評《和合本2010版》
卷期 33
並列篇名 On the Linguistic Style in Mandarin Chinese Union Version Bible: Comments on Revised Chinese Union Version (2010) as well
作者 崔立國
頁次 027-052
關鍵字 和合本《和合本2010版》文言古白話Mandarin Chinese Union Version BibleRevised Chinese Union Versionclassic Chineseancient vernacular ChineseA&HCIScopus
出刊日期 202206




The linguistic style, which is mixed with classic Chinese and vernacular Chinese, suited both refined and popular tastes, is one of the main reasons for the recognition and acceptance of Mandarin Chinese Union Version Bible in Chinese religious and academic circles. The realization of this style is the result of conscious choice by translators. This article holds that in the age when vernacular Chinese began to be popular, it still pays attention to the preservation and mixture of ancient Chinese, which not only gives Mandarin Chinese Union Version Bible a lasting vitality, but also forms its unique linguistic style. This article analyzes the ancient Chinese vocabulary and grammar in Mandarin Chinese Union Version Bible, discusses how the Chinese highlights the beauty of the Chinese language and conforms to the Chinese receptive psychology and thinking characteristics. While correcting the outdated words and expressions in Mandarin Chinese Union Version Bible according to the expression habits of modern Chinese, Revised Chinese Union Version still retains quite a lot of the original words and grammatical features of the ancient Chinese words and expressions in the former, which reflects the consistency of stylistic choices of translators in different times.
