
漢語基督教學術論評 A&HCIScopus

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篇名 魯益師《四種愛》與奧古斯丁「密友之死」:誤讀與契合
卷期 33
並列篇名 C. S. Lewis' The Four Loves and Augustine's “The Intimate's Death”: Misinterpretation and Affinity
作者 楊傑
頁次 053-078
關鍵字 魯益師奧古斯丁《四種愛》《懺悔錄》友愛C. S. LewisAugustineThe Four LovesConfessionsFriendshipA&HCIScopus
出刊日期 202206




In Confessions 4.4.7-4.12.19, Augustine reminisced and reflected on “the intimate's death.” In The Four Loves, C. S. Lewis insisted that Augustine was searching for a way to obtain calmness and avoid suffering. However, Lewis failed to interpret the textual logic and the thrust of writing in Confessions IV. In substance, Confessions IV primarily focuses on “realness and falsehood” “truth and erroneousness,” rather than “calmness and suffering.” Through “the intimate's death,” Augustine realized that Manichaeism is not the truth, but falsehood, fallacy, and superstition. Nevertheless, there are several striking echoes between Augustine's comprehensions from “the intimate's death” and the main idea of The Four Loves, in other words, Lewis' misreading did not lead to fundamental disagreements between them. From Lewis' points of view, we may even better understand the dilemma of friendship amid “the intimate's death.” As a result, although Lewis “Loses on One Side,” he finally “Gains on the Other.”
