
漢語基督教學術論評 A&HCIScopus

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篇名 施賴爾馬赫對三一論的改造:基於宗教改革的衝動
卷期 33
並列篇名 Schleiermacher's Reformulation of Trinity: Based on the Impulse of Reformation
作者 黃毅
頁次 079-111
關鍵字 施賴爾馬赫三一論宗教改革的衝動《基督教信仰論》SchleiermacherTrinitythe Reformation impulseThe Christian FaithA&HCIScopus
出刊日期 202206




That the Trinity is discussed at the end of The Christian Faith does not mean that Schleiermacher sees the Trinity as the dispensable appendix. On the contrary, the Trinity is seen as “the coping-stone of Christian doctrine.” Based on “the Reformation impulse” which is characterized as against speculation, Sola the New Testament, and Sola redemption through Christ, Schleiermacher criticizes the traditional immanent Trinity which is counted as the stumbling block of the Christian faith. Schleiermacher demonstrates economic Trinity which is characterized by Christocentrism in The Christian Faith.
