
漢語基督教學術論評 A&HCIScopus

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篇名 巴特教義學中的宗教批判:從否定到揚棄
卷期 33
並列篇名 Barth's Critique of Religion in His Dogmatics: From Negation to Sublation
作者 鄭佳露
頁次 113-140
關鍵字 教義學宗教否定啟示揚棄dogmaticsreligionnegationrevelationsublationA&HCIScopus
出刊日期 202206




The article investigates into Barth's theological critique of religion in his dogmatics: Unterricht in der christlichen Theologie (1924), Die christliche Dogmatik im Entwurf (1927), and Kirchliche Dogmatik I/2 (1938). By comparing Barth's different approaches to the critique of religion in these three dogmatics, the investigation would like to clarify diverse theological functions of the critique of religion in his dogmatics. In short, Barth's ignorance of religion in Untericht in der christlichen Religion implicates his denial of the theological value of the theme of religion. His negation of religion aims mainly at rejecting modern protestant theology represented by Schleiermacher. In contrast, Barth begins to acknowledge the theological value of religion in Die christlichen Dogmatik im Entwurf in the discussion of grace. Meanwhile, he also emphasizes die difference between his theological understanding of religion and the understanding of religion in the modern protestant theology. Finally, Barth's purpose of discussing the problem of religion in theology in Kirchliche Dogmatik is to understand, how God's revelation in Jesus Christus makes Christianity to become the only true religion. According to Barth's arguments, Christianity is unbelief and the true religion at the same time owing to God's revelation as sublation of religion. In conclusion, we can figure out there are various theological approaches to deal with the problem of religion in the development of Barth's dogmatics. Compared with Unterricht in der christlichen Theologie and Die christliche Dogmatik im Entwurf, the most significant contribution of Barth's critique of religion in Kirchliche Dogmatik is his interpretation of the God's revelation as sublation of religion, namly the dialectic between “religion is unbelief “ and “Christianity is true religion.” If Barth's thesis “religion is unbelief “ is his theological critique of religion, then his thesis “Christianity is true religion” is his acknowledgment of the theological value of the problem of religion in his dogmatics.
