
漢語基督教學術論評 A&HCIScopus

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篇名 從聖事本體論到形而上學直覺:再論托瑪斯.默頓與鈴木大拙的宗教對話
卷期 33
並列篇名 From Sacramental Ontology to Metaphysical Intuition: Inter-religious Dialogue Between Thomas Merton and D. T. Suzuki Revisited
作者 徐曉燕
頁次 163-189
關鍵字 宗教對話新經院主義現代主義神學聖事本體論形而上直覺inter-religious dialogueNeo-Scholasticismmodernismsacramental ontologymetaphysical intuitionA&HCIScopus
出刊日期 202206




Over the past three decades, as D. T. Suzuki's social and cultural contexts were exposed in Western academia, his authority of Zen has been questioned in the West. As a result, Merton's late works on inter-religious dialogue, which were deeply influenced by Suzuki, were regarded as outdated. However, it is unfair to evaluate Merton's religious dialogue by way of the “from Suzuki to Merton” approach. The paper attempts to take the approach “from Merton to Suzuki,” and puts Merton in the context of the development of Catholic theology in the 20th century. By re-discussing the works, letters, and diaries of Merton's inter-religious dialogue, it finds out Merton's theological motivation behind them. This paper argues that by clarifying and explaining Zen, Merton reflects and criticizes the theologies before and after Vatican II, that is Neo-Scholasticism and modernism. After that, he puts forward another approach, sacramental ontology, to understand theology, which offers the theological background to engage in inter-religious dialogue on the metaphysical intuition level. During the inter-religious dialogue, Merton's theological standpoint, approach, and purpose still sheds some light on us.
