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篇名 《墨子》十論「兼愛」標語構成過程新探
卷期 49
並列篇名 Formation of Mohist Motto “Jian Ai” in the Core chapters of Mozi
作者 黎智豐
頁次 001-035
關鍵字 《墨子》十論兼愛墨學標語文本關係MoziThe Ten TripletsJian AiMohist MottosDocuments relationshipTHCI Core
出刊日期 202106


《墨子》十論為研究墨學主張的核心文獻,十論各組分為上、中、下篇為《墨子》的特殊結構,而如何詮釋上、中、下篇的篇章關係,則直接影響整個墨學體系的建構。「兼愛」為當代墨學研究的重點之一,而「兼愛」研究最根本的兩項問題為:(1)「兼愛」的準確涵義是甚麼?(2)兼愛」的形成過程是怎樣的?本文嘗試結合戴卡琳(Carine Defoort)的「標語理論」,以及傳統訓詁校勘的仔細考證,重新反思「兼愛」於《墨子》十論上、中、下篇所呈現的準確涵義與形成過程。本文把三種不同系統的「兼」字區分為「兼1」、「兼2」、「兼3」,而「兼愛」標語統攝多種不同來源的表述方式,方能構成墨家學派的專門用語一一「兼愛」。


The Ten Triplets of Mozi, consisting of ten volumes of three chapters each, are the core chapters in the study of Mohism. In this special Triplet structure of Mozi, the three chapters are distinguished as shang (上) , zhong (中), and xia (下), and the interpretations of the relationship between the three chapters directly affect almost all studies on Early Mohism and Mohist philosophy. The concept “Jian Ai” (兼愛) is one of the most important topic on recent Mohist studies, and there are two basic questions in “Jian Ai” studies: (1) What is the exact meaning of “Jian Ai”? (2) What is the formation process of “Jian Ai”? This thesis suggests a new interpretation of “Jian Ai” by combining the theory of Mohist Mottos proposed by Carine Defoort (戴卡琳) and the exegesis method of the Chinese tradition. This thesis proposes that with different part of speech and meaning, there are three different kinds of “Jian” (兼) in The Ten Triplets of Mozi. The Mohist Motto “Jian Ai” integrates these different kinds of “Jian” and finally becomes the specialized term in Mohist philosophy.
