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篇名 從敘事文本的空間建構論文本意涵之演變-從唐傳奇〈柳毅〉到元雜劇《柳毅傳書》之探討
卷期 49
並列篇名 From the Space Construction of Narrative Texts to the Evolution of Text Implication: A Study from Tang Chuanqi Liuyi to Yuan Drama Liuyichuanshus
作者 李佳蓮
頁次 037-078
關鍵字 敘事文本空間建構唐傳奇〈柳毅〉元雜劇《柳毅傳書》narrative textspace constructionTang Chuanqi LiuyiYuan drama LiuyichuanshuTHCI Core
出刊日期 202106




This paper investigates the evolution of the text implication from the space construction of narrative texts and takes Tang Chuanqi Liuyi and Yuan drama Liuyichuanshu for analysis. It explores how the two narrative texts describe the same subject in two different structures, and how to build the space construction in the texts to develop into the evolution of text implication. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section examines the narrative structure and narrative space of Liuyi, in which the real world corresponds to the surreal world, and it shows the central idea of “morality and justice” through the local legends of Liuyi's righteous acts. The second section analyzes the similarities and differences between Liuyi and Liuyichuanshu in terms of text amount and narrative paragraph. The result indicates that Liuyichuanshu highlights Longnu's character and adds performance space to transfer the subject to achieve the hope of a perfect life through reaching the fairyland, in which it expresses the intellectual's depression in Yuan Dynasty. The third section traces back the origin of Liuyichuanshu from the history of Chinese Literature. It reveals that Liuyi and Liuychuanshu sublime the spirit of the difficulty solution and retribution to making up and salvation for the regret of life, and this transformation reaches the depth of Liuyichuanshu. In the Ming and Qing Chuanqi dramas, they transfer the spirit of the difficulty solution and retribution into good and evil returning because of expanding the texts and renewing narrative skills. To sum up, Tang novel Liuyi znd Yuan drama Liuyichuanshu have the significance of both inheritance and innovation in the Liuyichuanshu stories. They definitely possess the research potential and value in the history of Chinese Literature.
