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篇名 《廣異記》中泰嶽三郎與華山府君之互文關係和歷史詮釋-兼論唐五代其他山神搶婚故事
卷期 49
並列篇名 Intertextuality and Historical Interpretation of Taishan San Lang and God of Huashan in “Guang Yi Ji”: Extended Study on Other Stories about Bride Kidnapping of Mountain Gods in Tang and Five Dynasties
作者 李昭鴻
頁次 079-108
關鍵字 戴孚《廣異記》泰山神華山神山神搶婚Dai-Fu“Guang Yi Ji”God of TaishanGod of Huashanbride kidnapping of mountain godsTHCI Core
出刊日期 202106




Novels on gods of the Five Great Mountains before Tang dynasty mainly focused on god of Taishan. “Guang Yi Ji” in the mid-Tang broke with this tradition and collected 14 articles from Huashan novel, which can be the representation of Huashan novels in Tang dynasty. “He Dong Xian Wei Qi” and “Chou Fu Jia” in “Guang Yi Ji” published the stories of bride kidnapping of Huashan God. The plots of the stories were quite the same as those in other novel collections such as “Ji Wen” and “Yi Shi” in the late Tang and Five Dynasties. In the same book, the story type of “Zhao Zhou Can Jun Qi” and “Yu Tang Xian Hua-Ge Shi Fu” also belonged to bride kidnapping of mountain gods. However, the bride kidnapper was Taishan San Lang. The story type only appeared in mid and late Tang and Five Dynasties. God of Huashan was the main persecutor, and Taishan San Lang took the second place. This may have something to do with the facts that Changan was the capital of Tang, the emergence of Huashan belief, and Tang Xuan-Zong made his daughter-in-law become his wife. In particular, “Huashan” and “San Lang” corresponded with the fact that Xuan-Zong took Huashan as his natal fate and was the third of his siblings. Also, the victims in the stories of bride kidnapping of mountain gods were all grass-roots officials. The commonality of the stories almost ended that God of Taiyi satisfactorily acquired the solution, and the accuser were almost females. It clearly indicated that this story type may have identical origin and was popular at that time. The substitution between Taishan San Lang and God of Huashan belonged to intertextuality. Bride kidnapping of mountain gods was the result of their secularization, and it was also a metaphor of the dignitary's malefaction in the secular world. The prevalence of such kind of story in the mid and late Tang and Five Dynasties not only reflected the existing phenomenon at that time but also indicated the expectation of the ordinary people to have the righteous to call the shots.
