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篇名 關於戶田圓次資料的重要性:日治時期高知縣漁民前往南方澳移住的背景及基隆的鰹漁業
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Significance of Toda Enji﹙戶田圓次﹚’s Materials: A Background Study on Kochi Fishermen’s Migration to Nanfangao during the Japanese Ruling Period and the Bonito Fishing Industry in Keelung
作者 吉尾寬
頁次 029-055
關鍵字 戶田圓次高知縣鰹漁移民Toda MarujiKochi Prefecturebonito fishingKeelung
出刊日期 202206




Volume 9 of Aquatic Products in Doshu (《土州の水産》, July 1923) includes an article entitled ‘Toda Maruji﹙戶田圓次﹚’s Account of the Start of Bonito Fishing in Taiwan’ (author: 龜谷生) and Volume 10 (November 1923) includes an article entitled ‘The State of Taiwanese Bonito Fishing Overseen by Mr. Toda’. These articles describe in detail how residents in Kochi Prefecture extensively engaged in bonito fishing activities in the northeastern waters of Taiwan at the time. The newsletter Aquatic Products in Doshu (《土州の水産》) was a newsletter first published by the Kochi Prefecture Fisheries Association (President: 田村實) in 1922, and it provides specific first-hand information on the trends of public and private sectors in the fishing industry in Kochi Prefecture at the time. Through the activities of Toda Maruji﹙戶田圓次﹚, a fisherman from 高岡郡大矢井賀 in Kochi Prefecture, and 西村多郎助, a bonito fisherman in 基隆with ties to Toda, the articles provide a closer look into the characteristics of the development of bonito fishing industry in Keelung, albeit within the Japanese community during Japanese ruling over Taiwan. However, the article ‘Toda Maruji﹙戶田圓次﹚’s Account of the Start of Bonito Fishing in Taiwan’ (referring only to the part of Toda’s narrative in the second paragraph spanning 4 pages, approximately 3,000 characters) is very difficult to read because there are almost no punctuation marks and few paragraphs. In order to focus on the specific content of that article, the current author has added punctuation marks to and paragraphized the text with numbers as well as included the topic and gist of each paragraph and provided brief supplementary notes. For the sake of discussion, the current author divided the article ‘Toda Maruji ﹙戶田圓次﹚’s Account’ into the following subsections: ‘The Problems Identified by Toda in Bonito Fishing Conditions in the Coastal Waters of Kochi Prefecture’, ‘What Led to Toda’s Foray into Taiwan: An Exploration of Waters where Bonito can be Fished Year-round and a Tour of Fishing outside the Prefecture (1911–1916)’, ‘Preliminary Negotiations with the Governor-General to Obtain Bonito Fishing Rights in Taiwan (1920)’, ‘Toda became a Resident of Taiwan Following His Second Tour and Established a Dried Bonito Factory in 基隆 (1922)’, and ‘Toda Started Full-scale Bonito Fishing and Dried Bonito Production Bussiness in 基隆 based on his previous efforts (1923)’. According to ‘The State of Taiwanese Bonito Fishing Overseen by Mr. Toda’, Maruji Toda arrived in Taiwan and began bonito fishing mainly with 2 boats (Shinshu Maru 2 and 5), and his catches were ranked upper-middle among his peers. His fishing grounds extended from the coast of Keelung to Huoshao Island (now Green Island). The amount of His catches were consistent with average fishermen based in the port of Keelung at the time. Based on bonito fishing primary off Keelung, Toda established the “Toda Katsuobushi Factory” (戶田鰹節製造工場) in Bachimen (八尺門, located in Sharyo, Kirun City, Taihoku Prefecture, 臺北州基隆市社寮) and devoted himself to its operation (see Katsuobushi Manufacturing Report (《鰹節製造試験報告》) No. 3 (the Industry Bureau, Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan, Industry Bureau Publishing, No. 504, February 27, 1928, Table: 台湾ニ於ケル鰹節製造工場分布図). In addition to bonito fishing and dried bonito production, Toda Maruji﹙戶田圓次﹚ later engaged in fishing for other fish species (as other fishermen did as well), but that business did not always go as smoothly. According to documents from the Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan, Toda transferred his Permit for「Pair-Boat Type Danish Seine Trawl Fishery」(二艘曳機船底曳網漁業) to the 西村Fishing Company (which was probably headed by 西村多郎助) in 1928. Topics for future research on Toda Maruji﹙戶田圓次﹚’s bonito fishing and dried bonito production include the following: (1) The actions of Toda Maruji﹙戶田圓次﹚ reveal intense competition to acquire fishing rights in Taiwan among prefectures in the Japanese mainland (such as Ehime and Miyazaki prefectures) in the latter half of the Taisho era. In particular, Kochi Prefecture appeared to have participated in the fishing industry in Taiwan later than other prefectures. The emigration of fisherman from Kochi Prefecture to Nanfangao in Taiwan, as the current author has described and examined thus far, was apparently a result of that scramble for fishing rights at the time. In Japan at the time, regions such as Shizuoka Prefecture were not interested in establishing fishing villages, at least not in Taiwan, but were instead interested in deep-sea and coastal fishing. The reason for this divergence requires further examination. (2) For the dried bonito production industry in Keelung, Toda Maruji﹙戶田圓次﹚ played a major role in introducing and establishing the Tosa style katsuobushi. At the same time, this katsuobushi style was eventually incorporated into the mainstream bonito fishing and dried bonito production in Keelung, as exemplified by 西村多郎助. By ascertaining this process, this study shall bring to light an important aspect of emigration of fisherman from Kochi Prefecture to Taiwan during Japanese ruling over Taiwan.
