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篇名 知本濕地火災生態植被研究
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The study of Fire Ecology on the Vegetation of Zhiben Wetland
作者 呂佩倫梁珆碩
頁次 037-061
關鍵字 知本濕地植被生態火災干擾因子植物優勢度Zhiben WetlandVegetation ecologyFire disturbancePlant dominance
出刊日期 202011




The Zhiben Wetland is a large coastal grassland area formed by the alluvial accumulation of Shemagan River and Zhiben River in Taitung County. It is different from other coastal wetlands in that it is a brackish grassy area formed by the Shemagan River, and has a dry land vegetation appearance and sporadic springs in the wetland, located at the end of East Rift Valley, therefore creating a rich environment for birds’ biodiversity. It is a well-known International level important bird area (IBA) in the east of Taiwan. However, no previous research and investigations for plant ecology on this wetland. This study investigates vegetation succession from 2017 to April 2019, following a fire on March 2017 which caused significant differences in species richness, plant density, and the frequency of woody, herb, and grass between burned and unburned sites. Our results show the growth rate of alien seedlings is faster than native seed regeneration. The dominant species of Zhiben wetland are mainly based on the resprout ability, and can also be regeneration with seeds. Among the species that are rapidly renewed after the fire, all of them are alien species except for the native species Artemisia capillaris. It is speculated that frequent fires are the main cause of the dominance by alien species. Alien plants have better competitive ability to occupy open canopy lands than native plants after fire. This research suggests that in addition to continuing to strengthen the prevention of alien plant invasions and the artificial removal of alien invasive species to restore the native vegetation in the Zhiben Wetland, especially the way of natural succession after the fire cannot restore native plant species. It also needs to use artificial planting of native plants to regenerate the native vegetation of Zhiben Wetland after fires to maintain a good wetland ecosystem.
