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篇名 運用精實思維於設備整備與維護之研究-以L鋼廠為例
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Production and Maintenance of Equipment by Lean Thinking Approaches - A Case of L Steel Factory
作者 張家祥陳澤生
頁次 079-099
關鍵字 精實思維精實維修鋼廠Lean ThinkingLean MaintenanceSteel Factory
出刊日期 201711


設備是企業的生產工具,也是企業追求利潤的基本。唯有將設備保持在最佳狀態下,生產出符合顧客需求的產品,將產品順利送交顧客手中才是創造價值。透過人員與設備管理的導向,來提升企業的競爭優勢,更積極推動全員參與的活動,無論是人員、設備或是環境、素養上都能有所提升與發揮,進而達到最大的生產效率。本研究運用精實思維(Lean Thinking)於鋼廠的整備步驟與維護管理進行探討。透過思維引導與推動執行的過程,來教育相關技術人員對維修的認知,強化其觀念與想法,以及建置維護整備的步驟,並且持續不斷的學習與改善。將其運用於設備的整備與管理,且依設備管理指標來評估成效,進而消除執行過程中的浪費,創造更多的價值,提高整備與維護的效率和效益。


Equipment is an important production tool for a factory. It is also a fundamental device in business profits pursuit. Normally, a better operation process will be defined for a business is that it can make and serve to the customer’s required products with fully satisfactory in an optimization state of the productive equipment. However, a business will enhance its competitive advantage with the personal and equipment management guidance to achieve a maximum productivity with involving the activities by the total staffs actively. All activities would be hoped to reach the maximum production efficiency including the capacity grown for staffs, learning equipment maintenance technologies, making a quick adaptation to the new environment and bringing up the personal disposition. This study explores the management production and maintenance of equipment by lean thinking in steel factory. Through the thinking guidance and executive process, staffs are trained to be awareness of maintenance and to strengthen the lean concepts and thinking. Building the steps of maintenance and preparation of equipment, and continuous learning and improvement. We have applied them to the equipment maintenance and management. According to the equipment management indicators, we assess the effectiveness with eliminating the waste, creating more value and improving the efficiency and benefit of the production and maintenance.
