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篇名 油電混合機車於低速域之動力特性研究
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Study on Hybrid Electric Scooter for Low Speed
作者 朱力民王立偉徐祥禎
頁次 001-023
關鍵字 油電混合機車並聯式電動馬達Gasoline electric hybridScooterParallelElectric motor
出刊日期 201705




To face the coming of high-price energy era caused by global warming and energy shortage, energy conservation and carbon reduction are just like the consensus of all countries all over the world. In Taiwan, motorcycle is currently the most common personal transportation. Therefore, motorcycle plays an extremely important role in Taiwanese daily lives. Unfortunately, according to the statistics made in the past years, the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emitted by motorcycles are the main active pollutants causing air pollution. This thesis primarily researched and developed (R&D) the parallel hybrid system using 150c.c motorcycle (scooter), electric motor, controller, and mechanism. The chassis dynamometer was used to test the performance of the hybrid scooter. This system use lower power motor to improve the performance of the gasoline engine in low speed domain. The engine system, motor system, and power transformation system was tested to explore its power and performance. The experimental results reveal that this parallel hybrid motorcycle had two major characteristics in performance and fuel consumption. The hybrid system started the motorcycle with the electric motor in the first 0-7 seconds, and then drove the motorcycle with a fuel engine at a throttle valve opening of 12.5%. The test time was set to be 0-30 seconds. The driving distance was 100 meters. Through the cycle test and endure test from standing start, acceleration to stop, we found a reduction of at least 6% of the fuel consumption could be attained. The driving was smooth. This advantage focused on low acceleration in traffic congestion condition.
