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篇名 運用六標準差技術於手機透鏡座優化之實務研究-U公司個案為例
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Application of Design for Six Sigma in Smartphone Lens Holder Optimization - An Empirical Study of the U Company
作者 王建智鄭凱元
頁次 024-036
關鍵字 品質機能展開失效模式與效應分析實驗設計QFDFMEADesign of Experiment
出刊日期 201705




In recent years, rapid changes have occurred in the market environment and customer ecology. Under the increasingly stringent product specifications, how to efficiently optimize the quality to meet customer demands, has become a crucial issue to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises. This study focused on the quality problem of smartphone lens holder in the development stage based on the design for six sigma approaches to overcome the current quality bottlenecks. The result showed that application of the research results to develop products that can pass the environmental reliability test. The process capability indicator Ppk also increased to 2.22 form 1.41 and to achieve manufacturer's setting challenge goals.
