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篇名 從《願祢受讚頌》通諭反思當代主流觀念與環境教育
卷期 50:8=591
並列篇名 Reflections on Contemporary Dominant Paradigms and Environmental Education Based on the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’
作者 林新沛
頁次 065-082
關鍵字 人類中心主義生物中心主義深層生態學消費主義科技官僚觀念AnthropocentrismBiocentrismDeep EcologyConsumerismTechnocratic ParadigmA&HCI
出刊日期 202308


「舉手之勞做環保」這話雖然沒錯,但其實有效的環保行動絕非僅是舉手之勞,而是一種新的生活方式,一種新的文化。本文是以教宗方濟各的《願祢受讚頌》通諭為基礎,反思一些主流的價值觀念——尤其是人類中心主義和消費主義——和臺灣的環境教育。文中將先介紹通諭第六章「生態教育與生態靈修」的思想特色,繼而討論通諭對消費主義和一些主流觀念(例如人類中心主義)的批判,並將通諭的思想與一些環境思想和心理學理論作比較——例如道家的「道無所不在」觀念、Arne Naess等人的深層生態學,以及Paul Stern的價值信念規範理論。最後,本文從通諭與社會行銷的角度評論臺灣的環境教育,並對如何推動環保提出建議。


Simple environmental actions matter, but environmental protection is not a simple action. Both our life styles and cultures need to be changed. This paper reviews the criticism in Pope Francis’s Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ on our dominant worldviews, such as anthropocentrism and consumerism. The Pope’s views are compared with other environmental ethics, such as deep ecology and Zhuangzi’s outlook on Tao, and supplemented with literature from psychology. Based on Laudato Si’, findings from environmental studies and principles of social marketing, this paper also makes suggestions on how to better environmental education in Taiwan and promote eco-friendly behavior.
