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篇名 戰後國共對峙下的基層政治秩序與縣政運作實態——以黃體潤的蕭縣縣長經歷為中心
卷期 71
並列篇名 The State of County Administration during the Confrontation between the KMT and the CCP after the Anti-Japanese War: Huang Tirun’s Experience as the County Magistrate in Xiaoxian County
作者 項浩男
頁次 091-141
關鍵字 蕭縣縣政黃體潤國民黨中共Xiaoxian CountyCounty AdministrationHuang Tirunthe Kuomintangthe Communist PartyTHCITSCI
出刊日期 202306
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.202306_(71).0003


蕭縣位於江蘇省西北端,地處蘇皖交界地帶,戰略位置非常重要,是抗戰期間國、共、日偽三方角力的前線。抗戰勝利後,蕭縣既有軍政格局被打破,國共關係劍拔弩張。黃體潤(1896-?)曾長期擔任豐縣黨、政、軍要職,對付中共也頗有心得,1945 年底被任命為蕭縣縣長後,積極調整縣政府和區鄉人事,強化基層組織,鞏固國民政府控制區。與此同時,中共也盡力在蘇北擴張勢力,對蕭縣構成威脅。在國軍支持下,蕭縣縣城和全境陸續克復,黃體潤隨即在全縣清剿殘匪、健全行政體系、發展民眾自衛隊,著力鞏固縣政權。地方秩序逐漸恢復後,黃體潤推進縣政建設,如設立各種專門委員會、整編地方武力、訓練基層幹部、清查土地、實行二五減租、發展生產事業、組織和成立縣參議會等。這些舉措的目的是通過改善縣域內政治、經濟、社會狀況,重建和鞏固國民黨在蕭縣的統治秩序,作為戰後「建國」事業的一部分。國共大勢是影響戰後蕭縣歷史進程的關鍵因素,「勢」的變化決定「為」的取向,當國共關係急遽惡化時,縣政建設事業只得中斷,以剿匪為重心。戰後的蕭縣,是國民黨地方政權勉力維持、努力建設的一個典型案例。然而,「小歷史」終究敵不過「大歷史」,隨著國民黨在徐蚌會戰失敗,蕭縣之發展徹底改觀。


Xiaoxian County is located in the northwest of Jiangsu Province, at the junction of Jiangsu and Anhui, and its strategic position is very important. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the existing military and political structure of Xiaoxian county was broken, and the relations between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Communist Party (CCP), which already became very tense in the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, were worsening. At the end of 1945, Huang Tirun was appointed head of Xiaoxian county. He had long served as an important party, political and military post in Fengxian County. He had rich experience in administrative affairs and dealing with the CCP. After assuming the post of Xiaoxian county magistrate, Huang Tirun actively adjusted the personnel of the county government and the districts and townships, strengthened the grass-roots organizations, and consolidated the control area. At the same time, the CCP also tried its best to expand its influence in Northern Jiangsu. With the support of the National Army, Xiaoxian county and the entire territory were conquered one after another. Huang Tirun then tried his best to eliminate the power of the CCP and consolidate the county power. Huang Tirun also took a variety of measures to promote the construction of county administration. The relationship between the KMT and the CCP was the key factor affecting the history of Xiaoxian County after the Anti-Japanese War. When the relationship took a sharp turn, the construction of county government had to be interrupted.
