
Journal of Applied English

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篇名 Developing Gender Awareness through Critical Literacy and Picture Book
卷期 17:2
作者 Jun-Min Kuo
頁次 029-056
關鍵字 critical literacygender awarenesspicture bookstask-based learningthe EFL classroom
出刊日期 202306



In order to encourage more research on and practice of critical literacy in the EFL classroom, this paper explores case study of critical literacy conducted at a university in Taiwan. Specifically, it focuses on one of three activities that took place during the 2018-2019 spring semester. The activity used two unconventional fairy tales taken from a comic book to help 34 freshmen create several classroom assignments and artifacts expressing alternative viewpoints. The current research combines two different frameworks, i.e., quantitative and qualitative approaches. Major data sources include (1) the researcher’s journal entries, (2) classroom observations, (3) student assignments and artifacts, (4) students’ reflection papers, (5) questionnaire responses, and (6) follow-up interviews. In conclusion, the present study indicates that most students had a positive attitude toward this personal, alternative, and meaningful activity. The activity encouraged students to bring their ideas about various female roles into the classroom, especially during discussions and in a writing assignment. This activity also suggests that unconventional female roles in picture books can be effective in promoting critical literacy. Students were offered a free space in which to learn how to re-examine female roles from acritical perspective. As critical theorists suggest, students should be engaged in critical education programs that encourage students to view texts from alternative viewpoints.
