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篇名 從TTQS輔導服務到TTQS評核服務的實作報告初探-以晴天社會福利協會之托育人員專業訓練班為例
卷期 24
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study on the Implementation Report from TTQS Counseling Service to TTQS Evaluation Service: Take the professional training class for nursery school personnel as an example from Sunny Social Welfare Association
作者 陳麗芬林淑女王順民
頁次 067-118
關鍵字 晴天托育人員專業訓練班TTQS輔導服務TTQS評核服務公私協力SunnyNursery Training CourseTTQS counseling serviceTTQS assessment servicePublic Private Partnership
出刊日期 202306


本論文係屬探索性質的實作報告,扣緊知識經濟時代的專業自我,非營利組織採借於公私協力的訓練班專案委辦,更是需要有其長遠布建的策略性規劃,對此,本論文係從承辦單位的角色出發,藉由托育人員專業訓練班方案的執行過程,以進行從「人才發展品質管理系統」(Talent Quality-management System,TTQS)之TTQS輔導服務到TTQS評核服務的過程說明,而這樣的實地過程描述,意圖提供給人群服務工作者一項從方案執行到政策實踐以迄於從工具性層次到規範性範疇的考察與反思,最後的結論建議和方案反思,也呈現出對於公私協力方案委辦之機制設計及其相關運作是有待商榷之處。


This thesis is an exploratory and practical report that is closely related to the professional self in the era of the knowledge economy. Non-profit organizations adopt a training program contract of public-private cooperation. Therefore, a long-term strategic plan for deployment is required. This thesis commences in the private sector, through the undertaking process of nursery training course, to introduce the process from TTQS counseling service to TTQS assessment service. This field process description is intended to be provided to human service workers as an investigation and reflection from program implementation to policy practice and from the instrumental to the normative level. The conclusion presents suggestions and plan reflections, and anticipated myths and paradoxes regarding the design of the public-private partnership mechanism and its related operations.
