
電子商務學報 TSSCI

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篇名 群眾募資提案成功之關鍵因素
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Key Factors for the Success of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Proposals
作者 于席正白紀齡
頁次 163-186
關鍵字 群眾募資FlyingV提案策略差別取價Reward-based crowdfundingFlyingVproposal strategyprice discriminationTSSCI
出刊日期 202308
DOI 10.6188/JEB.202308_25(2).0002




Crowdfunding is a new method for innovators to obtain funds, with the general public also enjoying being the participants and reaping its benefits. Accordingly, the objective of Taiwan's largest crowdfunding platform, FlyingV, is as follows: “Let values and ideas be seen, let good ideas walk into life.” Through crowdfunding platforms, project creators can enjoy a space free from intervention and directly appeal to the public for fundraising. In this study, all types of crowdfunding projects on Taiwan's FlyingV were used as research samples. Data were collected from 1,824 crowdfunding projects that had been introduced from 2012 to 2017, including 954 successful projects and 870 unsuccessful projects. The primary aims of this study were to investigate the key factors affecting the success of crowdfunding projects and attempt to explain how these factors affected the final amount of funds raised. The results revealed that fundraising targets, the personal preferences of potential funders, and market structure were factors that had strong explanatory power for the success of crowdfunding projects. In particular, a higher “number of investment amount options” in crowdfunding projects significantly increased the total amount of funds raised, which highlighted the strategic effects of price discrimination. If project creators are able to design “multi-interval options” for target groups with an adequate understanding of “the highest funded option,” and assess appropriate fundraising targets for the proposed projects, then crowdfunding inevitably constitutes the preferred fundraising method for realizing creativity.
