
電子商務學報 TSSCI

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篇名 O2O網站服務品質對消費者再購意願影響之研究
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Influence of O2O Website Service Quality on Consumers' Repurchase Intention
作者 吳金山朱家廣鄭菲菲蔡德謙
頁次 187-214
關鍵字 線上服務品質消費價值顧客滿意度再購意願O2OE-Servicecustomer valuecustomer satisfactionrepurchase intentionO2OTSSCI
出刊日期 202308
DOI 10.6188/JEB.202308_25(2).0003


隨著社會環境變遷及科技進步,消費環境有相當大的改變,體驗經濟是必然的發展。在體驗經濟時代中,消費者開始重視購買過程中所體驗到的商品或服務所產生之價值,進而影響其的購買決策。另一方面,許多消費者傾向在網路下單後,再到線下實體商店進行體驗或領取商品,顯示線上及實體通路之搭配有其重要性,因而衍生出O2O(Online to Offline)的概念。因此,本研究以消費價值理論為基礎進行探討,針對226位有效樣本,分析消費者在使用O2O網站平台之服務品質相關因素對於消費價值之影響,以及其對滿意度與再購意願。研究結果顯示,O2O網站之服務效率、系統可用性、服務失誤後的賠償對消費價值具有正向顯著影響,而消費價值將進一步影響顧客滿意度與再購意願。


With the rapid change of social environment and the advancement of technology, people's consumption behavior has been changed. The economic environment was changed from agricultural economy, industrial economy, service economy to experience economy. In the era of experience economy, most of the consumers prefer to shop and place the order online, followed by experiencing/ consuming the products or services offline. Thus, the concept of O2O (Online to Offline) channel was introduced. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of O2O platform service quality on consumption value, which is expected to in turn influence consumers' satisfaction and repurchase intention. The study was grounded in consumption value theory and the survey was conducted. Findings from 226 effective samples suggested that the service efficiency, the efficiency and system availability of O2O platform, as well as the compensation offered after service failures happened showed significant influence on consumption value, which will in turn significantly affect consumers' satisfaction and repurchase intention.
