
電子商務學報 TSSCI

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篇名 整合設計思考與智能科技發展地方創生與服務創新模式
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Integrating Design Thinking and Smart Technology to Develop Regional Revitalization and Service Innovation
作者 何淑君蔡有亭莊偉立
頁次 215-240
關鍵字 設計思考地方創生定位理論推-拉-繫理論智能科技Design thinkingpositioning theorypush-pull-mooring theoryplacemakingsmart technologyTSSCI
出刊日期 202308
DOI 10.6188/JEB.202308_25(2).0004




The development and positioning of a city is highly related to the competitiveness of a city. The aging and population shift issue highlights the seriously challenges of the city development. Kaohsiung city faces the challenges in the loss of population and the gap of urban-rural areas. How to position city and sustain the competitiveness become critical issues for cities. The objective of this research is to apply positioning theory to enhance competitiveness of Kaohsiung city. Research method utilizes double diamond design processes to explore, define, develop, and deliver innovative services and design regional revitalization. We interviewed different stakeholders such as 21 farmers, 4 farmers' cooperatives, and 2 farmers' associations to explore their pains and needs. After several rounds of brainstorming, this study proposes a regional revitalization and service innovation ecosystem for Kaohsiung city. These proposed innovative services were practically evaluated with different stakeholders. The Push-Pull-Mooring theoretical lens help to explain the proposed service innovation ecosystem for Kaohsiung city. This paper practically contributes to design the innovative services for the agriculture to revitalize the rural areas in Kaohsiung city.
