
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 在機構安老:鑲嵌在機構照顧下彈性的日常生活安排
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Aging Well in Institutions: Flexible Daily Living Arrangements for the Elderly at an Institution
作者 洪士峰巫麗雪
頁次 001-046
關鍵字 機構照顧日常生活安排高齡者機構住民成功老化institutional caredaily life arrangementseldersinstitutional residentssuccessful agingTSSCI
出刊日期 202306
DOI 10.6785/SPSW.202306_27(1).0001




Being cared for at institutions for the elderly is not an ideal living arrangement in Chinese society; however, these institutions have become increasingly crucial in a rapidly aging society. Based on the perspectives of successful aging and routine institutional management, with a care center for the elderly in northern Taiwan as the subject of the field research, we gathered materials via participant observation and interviews with 14 residents and 15 administrative workers or caregivers at one institution to understand the current state of life of the residents, routine work of the caregivers, and the management regulations of the facility. The study found that a deinstitutionalized management system that provides daily life arrangement is vital to aging well in institutions for the elderly. All the efforts of the administrative workers and caregivers generate a sense of stability and security among residents and maintain control of choices for daily arrangements, which derives significantly from the professional division of labor among and fringe benefits for institutional workers.
