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篇名 從「鐵路便當」到臺鐵便當:臺灣鐵路便當的歷史文化考察(1906-2006)
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 From “Railway Bento” to TRA Bento: A Historical and Cultural Examination of Taiwan Railway Bento (1906-2006)
作者 曾令毅
頁次 111-178
關鍵字 鐵路便當飛快車臺中鐵路餐廳臺鐵便當Railway BentoDiesel Flying ExpressTaichung Railway RestaurantTRA BentoTHCITHCI Core
出刊日期 202310




This article presents a comprehensive and in-depth investigation into the historical process of the emergence and development of “Railway Bento.” It first notes that the original appearance of “Railway Bento” in Taiwan was primarily driven by the dining needs of long-distance travelers after the completion of the national railway system. This led to vendors selling “Railway Bento” on station platforms, starting from 1914. In the early post-war period, in 1956, the Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) introduced the “Diesel Flying Express” to shorten the journey time between northern and southern Taiwan. However, as this train couldn't have dining cars attached, the manager of the TRA’s Taichung Railway Restaurant, Tao De-lin, introduced Jiangsu-Zhejiang style pork chop rice, which became the original prototype of today’s TRA pork chop bento. At that time, most TRA trains lacked air conditioning, and various factors caused TRA Bento to spoil easily and become sour when left for too long. To address this problem, in 1961, Lin Huo-chai of the Taichung Railway Restaurant modified the original fried pork chops by first frying them and then braising them, increasing the salt content to prevent souring. This gradually localized flavor also became the stuff of nostalgic memory and the special taste of “Railway Bento” for Taiwanese people. However, despite extending the shelf life of TRA Bento, issues with the organization of TRA’s catering service and overall management led to a decline in the quality of TRA Bento. The opportunity for reform arose in 2000 with the introduction of the “Nostalgic Railway Bento.” Recognizing that TRA’s cultural memory should be the core, serving as the main force for sustainable marketing and brand image, reforms were initiated to bring about changes in TRA Bento. In addition to using “Nostalgic Innovation” as a marketing strategy, in 2005 external expert Li Yu-xia was recruited to lead the Taipei restaurant. Through her efforts to innovate and incorporate Hakka flavors into the dishes, the third generation of TRA Bento was developed. Then, with the unexpected help from the “Red Shirt Army” the following year, a new chapter for TRA Bento began.
