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篇名 國家博物館中的飲食文化展示:以國立臺灣博物館「永續年夜飯—人類世的餐桌特展」為例
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Food Exhibitions at National Museums: A Case Study of the National Taiwan Museum’s “Sustainable New Year’s Dinner Tables: Dining in the Anthropocene”
作者 陳郁婷
頁次 227-276
關鍵字 飲食文化展示再現展示方法食農教育永續發展food exhibitionsrepresentationexhibition methodsfood and farming educationsustainable developmentTHCITHCI Core
出刊日期 202310




With the increasing attention to local food in Taiwan, cultural institutions such as museums, libraries, and archives have launched exhibitions and events about food in recent years. Among these, national museums, as a space for knowledge production along with communication about government policy, have become an important locus for constructing and representing Taiwanese food culture. However, what kind of Taiwanese food stories are shaped by the exhibition of food culture in the national museum, and what are its display methods and characteristics? This article explores the connotations of food exhibitions through exhibition analysis and curator interviews, using the “Sustainable New Year’s Dinner Tables: Dining in the Anthropocene” exhibition in the National Taiwan Museum as a case study. By analyzing its purposes and methods, this article further explores the meaning behind food exhibitions. “Sustainable New Year’s Dinner Tables: Dining in the Anthropocene” takes festive food as its starting point and as a means to understand the ecological issues behind food. It recognizes the diverse food cultures of Taiwan’s ethnic groups and their local production processes. Food-themed exhibitions in museums are increasingly incorporating environmental issues and education about food and farming. By means of the everyday nature of food issues, environmental advocacy themes can be conveniently presented. In terms of display methods, in addition to displaying real objects such as cooking utensils and tableware, sophisticated and realistic food or food models are necessary highlights of the exhibition. Curators often combine multimedia, exhibits, and environmental design arrangements to create realistic food and dining environments, attempting to evoke empathy in the audience, trigger their memories, enhance their understanding of related knowledge, or convey the ideas that the exhibition aims to express. By sorting out data from food exhibitions, museums are becoming important venues for promoting Taiwanese food culture and environmental education.
