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篇名 探究海洋廢棄物與聯合國永續發展目標-水下生命議題融入課程之重要取徑
卷期 74:3
並列篇名 A Study on the Key Concepts of Integrating Environmental Issues into the Curriculum: The SDG14 Life Below Water as an Example
作者 何昕家
頁次 014-036
關鍵字 環境教育永續發展教育永續發展目標十二年國教文字探勘Environmental educationEducation for sustainable developmentSustainable Development Goals12-year Basic EducationText Mining
出刊日期 202309
DOI 10.6249/SE.202309_74(3).0021


臺灣從九年一貫延伸到十二年國教均強調議題融入課程,整體國際教育趨勢,經濟合作發展組織(OECD)提出素養為學子面對真實世界關鍵,聯合國永續發展目標(UN SDGs)為重要課題。十二年國教重要核心素養,透過生活情境培養學生,十九項議題亦融入課程成為生活情境。素養導向教學為其推動重要策略,2016年底愛思客跨校團隊成立,以閱讀增能研發跨領域素養導向課程,轉化為工作坊推廣。本研究以愛思跨校團隊客2017-2018年55場初階工作坊:海洋廢棄物議題進行素養導向課程設計內容為主,此為環境教育議題下永續發展面向回應聯合國永續發展目標14水下生命。透過文字探勘(Text Mining)研究方法與技術,運用MAXQDA軟體,55場初階工作坊成果資料,分為主題、內容、核心素養、核心問題、學習目標、表現任務,以文字雲、字符頻率分析關鍵字,與聯合國永續發展目標14水下生命次目標比對,顯示綜合字符頻率有76%圍繞於「塑膠」,其子目標包含污染、生態、過捕、過撈、永續資源管理、科技等,藉由結果可提供第一線教師了解海洋廢棄物議題,除與學生引導塑膠、減塑等,擴及永續發展目標14子目標內涵。對於課程與教學學術研究其貢獻在於能了解聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)可融入課程策略與方法。而主要資料來源為高中職現場教師參與工作坊產出,不同階段教師參閱時需調整其學習階段,無法有其一致的適用性。


Taiwan has integrated important issues, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) into the curriculum from the Nine-Year Joint Curriculum to the Twelve-Year Basic Education. The Organization for Economic Development (OECD) recognizes these competencies as crucial for students to prepare for the real world. Taiwan's Twelve-Year Basic Education focuses on cultivating core competencies through real-life situations, and competency-oriented teaching is a key strategy to promote it. In 2016, Professor Chen Pei-Ying of National Taiwan Normal University invited senior high school teachers to join the ASK (Attitude, Skill, Knowledge) team. The team developed an interdisciplinary competency-oriented curriculum and then transformed into a workshop for promotion. This study focuses on the competency-oriented curricular design of marine debris issues at ASK's 50 workshops in 2017 and 2018, in response to the SDG 14 Life Below Water. Using text mining software MAXQDA and materials from the laundry reel, the study analyzed topics, contents, core competencies, core problems, learning goals, and task performance. The study then compared these findings to the sub-targets of SDG 14 Life Below Water through the key concepts of word cloud and character frequency analysis. The results showed that "plastic" accounts for 76 percent of the comprehensive character frequency. The SDG 14 Life Below Water includes pollution, ecology, overharvesting, overfishing, sustainable resource management, and technology. The study's findings will help the frontline teachers understand the issues of marine debris and guide students to reduce their use of plastic but also achieve the sub-targets of the SDG 14.
