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篇名 關天培與1841年廣州虎門要塞之戰
卷期 43
並列篇名 Reevaluation of Guan Tianpei's Works on the Humen Fortress
作者 袁展聰
頁次 011-048
關鍵字 廣東海防關天培水師提督虎門要塞GuangdongCoastal DefenseGuan TianpeiCommander-in-Chief of the NavyHumen FortressTHCI
出刊日期 202312




Napier ordered British warships to storm Humen Fortress in 1834. Li Zengjie was dismissed by the Qing court, and Guan Tianpei was appointed Commander-in- Chief of the navy in Guangdong. Because of the British threat, Guan Tianpei repaired the Humen Fortress in order to strengthen its defense. However, Humen Fortress was captured by the British army during the First Opium War, and Guan Tianpei was also killed. Although Guan Tianpei's efforts are acknowledged by scholars, the Humen Fortress could not withstand modern military technology and tactics, including the careful arrangements made by the British army before they captured the Humen Fortress. This article will re-examine the war's course of events and re-evaluate the Humen Fortress repaired by Guan Tianpei.
