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篇名 中共陝西省委的研究,1932-1942
卷期 43
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, 1932-1942
作者 陳耀煌
頁次 049-094
關鍵字 中共陝西國統區省委組織the Chinese Communist PartyShaanxi provincethe district ruled by the Kuomintangprovincial committeeorganizationTHCI
出刊日期 202312




The Provincial Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as the highest authority of every province, was the executor of the policy of the Central Committee (CC) of the CCP and was also charged with truthfully conveying the status of local revolutionary activities to the CC of the CCP. The Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP, established in 1927, was the highest party leadership of the CCP in Shaanxi province before the arrival of the Central Red Army at northern Shaanxi in 1935. The Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP not only had to guide local party organization in Shaanxi province, but also took charge of leading rural base areas, the Red Army, and guerrilla warfare, especially within the Shaanxi-Gansu border region, the 26th Red Army, and the Wei-bei base area established in 1932. After 1933 the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP was repeatedly destroyed and reestablished. On the occasion of the Xi'an accident of December 1936, the CC of the CCP reestablished the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP. Subsequently the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP was in charge of the party and united front activities of the districts ruled by the Kuomintang (KMT). Under the banner of KMT-CCP cooperation and the national salvation movement, the quantity of party organizations and party members of the CCP of the districts supervised by the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP multiplied rapidly. However, following increasingly intense friction between the KMT and CCP, the restriction and suppression of the CCP by the Nationalist government of Shaanxi province also became harsher. The Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP had no choice but to evacuate from Xi'an to the Guanzhong subregion, which was a jurisdiction belonging to the Shaanxi-Gansu- Ningxia Border Region, and finally merged with the Guanzhong subregional committee of the CCP into the Guanzhong special committee in 1942. Scholars devoted much attention to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, but we still do not know much about the history of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP. This article will expound the history and characters of the communist movement in Shaanxi province from the early 1930s to the early 1940s through examination of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CCP during 1932-1942.
