
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 Exploring Gender and Sexuality Issues in Visual Culture: A Case Study on Artivist Animations and Games in a University Core Course
卷期 21:2
作者 Dan LiSheng Kuan Chung
頁次 031-062
關鍵字 Critical Visual Culture Art EducationSocial Justice Art EducationGender and Sexuality IssuesIntersectional FeminismTransformative PedagogyTHCI
出刊日期 202312



This research study delves into the integration of critical visual culture, specifically focusing on gender and sexuality issues, within the framework of integrated social justice art education in higher education. Critical Visual Culture Art Education (VCAE) forms the bedrock of contemporary art education by emphasizing the expansion of artistic mediums and fostering critical thinking concerning visual culture. Building on this foundation, VCAE has incorporated a focus on social justice issues, leading to the development of pedagogical approaches like Social Justice Art Education and Culturally Responsive Art Education. The case study centers on a university core course titled "Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies," conducted during the Spring 2023 semester at an urban university in the Upper Midwest region of the United States. This study investigates the experiences of 70 students enrolled in two sections of the course, exploring their engagement with readings on gender and sexuality, personal research on related issues, and collaborative group animation and video game projects aimed at promoting inclusivity and raising awareness of gender and sexuality issues, advocating for a more just society. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of integrated social justice art education in higher education settings. The research underscores the importance of incorporating critical visual culture and gender and sexuality issues into core courses, allowing students from diverse disciplines to engage in deep thinking, problem-solving, and activism while embracing social justice values. The study contributes significantly to the growing body of literature on art education and social justice pedagogy, emphasizing the transformative potential of art in fostering inclusive and equitable societies.
