
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 The Role of Engrossment and Care in Art Education
卷期 21:2
作者 Samantha Goss
頁次 085-110
關鍵字 EngrossmentCareStudents-Teacher RelationshipsTHCI
出刊日期 202312



The term “care” is often overly general in use without referencing specific components (Goldstein, 1998), and the role of engrossment also needs greater exploration in teaching practice as engrossment is often the catalyst for care (Noddings, 2012, 2013). This study explored the engrossment of three art teachers from different high schools using a modified version of Eisner’s (1998) method of educational criticism. Field observation made by this study would involve engrossment in students, awareness of context, and professional expertise to support students’ personal and academic development. The study concluded that in-depth understanding of engrossment in art education would give rise to conscientization of social issues.
