
國際藝術教育學刊 THCI

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篇名 Effects on Career-undecided University Students Through Mandala Creation
卷期 21:2
作者 Sheng Ting ChangTing Yu LuHui Chuang Chu
頁次 151-174
關鍵字 MandalaCareer-UndecidedSelf-ExplorationTHCI
出刊日期 202312



This study was to discuss the effectiveness of Mandala applied to university students caught by career indecision. Six Taiwanese senior students from universities with uncertainties to one’s career development were recruited. For a closer inspection in participant’s experience and self-awareness, three activities were subsequently conducted: initial evaluation, career exploration activity and post semi-structured interview. All the collected data were later analyzed to explore the influences of Mandala on the participants’ effort of self-searching. It was found that, first, the graphical images of the hands helped to understand the individuals’ Self as they symbolized the connection between one’s career and self-image. Second, the creation of content concretized the value and attitude towards career. Third, mandala creation reflected the participants’ expectation for the future as well as promoted their self-awareness of future career goals More significantly, with the rotatable characteristics of mandala, the participants had a broader perspective of their future career.
