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篇名 降低軍事作戰之貪腐風險:GDI觀點
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Reduce Corruption Risks in Military Operations; GDI Perspective
作者 曹耀鈞
頁次 007-023
關鍵字 軍事作戰貪腐風險政府國防廉潔指數國際透明組織Military OperationsCorruption RisksGovernment Defense Integrity IndicatorsTransparency International
出刊日期 202305




According to the Global Government Defense Integrity Index 2020 (GDI 2020) evaluation published by Transparency International (TI), the Taiwanese government is known as one of the most open governments in the world, and it is also highly praised for its complete transparency promise. And this commitment to transparency extends considerably to the defense sector. This evaluation is not easy to achieve, and the Ministry of National Defense must cherish it and continue to work hard. Although the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan received a good rating of "B" (low corruption risk), among the five major aspects of the evaluation, the military operations aspect only received a "D" rating. The key point is that anti-corruption issues are still not considered high-level strategic issues, but only tactical issues under political warfare issues, usually only listed at the battalion level. Moreover, these anti-corruption priorities in military operations are rarely included in forward-looking defense plans. This study deeply examines the critical points of the GDI 2020 and specifically proposes corruption prevention strategies in response to military operations.
